Tag Archives: dictatorship

delusional kings

he rules over an empty state
corpses laid down
to pay homage to his greed

empty homes
bodies imprisoned
banked for their organs and courage

banks lay empty
cashed out by distrust

bankruptcy of the souls
of those who sell dirt
for… for… for what? who knows.

perhaps they too want
all this mayhem to end
they too want peace

only the delusions set us
on each bank of the river
and the revolution
has a rabid currency
water flows, it moves
even in the stillness
there are streams beneath

peace only comes to those
that ride with the tide
not those that settle on silt
on a kingdom found in dirt

peace only comes to those
who live in truth.

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Spring Revolution

for Mandalay 21-2-2021

on the wings of garuda
and the tail of phoenix
we ride through wind currents

we fly away from the narrow cage
and sing longing songs of freedom

we rise from ashes and celestial groves
to resurrect and protect with wisdom

for the wings of garuda
and the souls of phoenix
are fused into our warrior hearts

every drop of blood on ground become our seeds for dissent

It’s Spring Revolution in Myanmar.

If you want to help, please donate to these sites for supporting the civil servants going on strike, refusing to work for the military regime so as to dismantle the dictatorship system. Or you can also sign petitions to ask United Nations to intervene now before more lives get killed in Myanmar. Or Boycott businesses linked to the Myanmar military or those that do businesses with them. Or you can spread the word and gain support from your networks. The people of Myanmar gain strength, morale, hope and motivation to keep fighting for their freedom and human rights when they know the world is on their side and their voices are heard.






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