Tag Archives: love


turmeric stains my fingernails

feeling mellow

below the chest
naivete infests

breath rests
then i remember
curcumin heals

so i marinate myself in turmeric
like so many of the burmese cooking

i listen to sappy love songs
and be consumed

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(untitled but trying to titled) love in the time of revolution – 26

i have all these poems for you
but they are lost to the darkness of tonight

i sit here
trying to remember, at least,
so this story doesn’t become lost

like the words that fail so miserably
in the face of our human condition

behind every light there is a shadow
behind every hope a despair

behind every love….

not hatred…

but apathy…

trying so hard to capture anything
so that the void is not what is left

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love in the time of revolution – 25

we all hurt sometimes
things break, sometimes shatter
from explosion of forces too much to take

we all fall from bridges
things splash, sometimes drown
from silence so heavy one loses breath
long before

the stopping of heartbeats
or the will to love, to hope

to love is to hope

we lose hope when we lose love

i am only holding on to this hope
because you see,
i am made out of love

i don’t know any way else to be
i am filled to the brim, overspilling

and i don’t know any way else to be
as a woman on this earth,
in this yin and yang world.

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you are not
physics or chemistry

our bonds aren’t written in
atomic energy or molecular reactions

we are not
biology and the ecosystem

we simply is
just is

we be


is ist, est, esti

i am
with you.

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i went to the jewelers today with
thirteen watches in a bag
and one on my wrist

two at home sitting in their compartments
one at Rangoon time
the other at Pacific time

one needed to strap more tightly
and become mine
twelve needed resurrections
with change of batteries

they all run out of charge at some point
they all run out of time, until
i remember the stories behind each one of them
and bring them back to life

it is the end of a horrid year
the end of an abyss

the new year begs for new times
i beg for a new heartbeat, kept
in synchrony to quantum time

i give my hand to the memories kept
and the moments that will become

in time
with them…

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love in the time of revolution – 23

this heart needs a bypass
blockages in so many arteries
that lead me home to you

we can only make sure
to listen through the stethoscope
and hope, our hearts still beat

it is a long operation
to keep the heart alive

we are all healers
with our own medicine
and we promise the Hippocratic Oath
to never let go of love and life

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love in the time of revolution – 22

they say grief is love
with no place to go

there is plenty of grief

there is lack of landing
the ship cannot dock
the pit is bottomless

and the distance between us widens

within this abyss
there is plenty of love

We are swimming in it…
we may drown in it…

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Love in the time of revolution – 21

night and day
green and red

and the color purple
and the breath during twilight

the spikes that connect us all
from death to life

we are neither.
we are both.

because we come together
across the divide
our hearts meet

it is love that will win in this revolution.

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the witch and her alchemy
brew love potions
and sprinkle stardust

her enchantment
turns to black magic
only when battled by darkness

i started out as a fairy
to now have fallen into witchery

which dark caves have i traversed?

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the thesis

i am preparing
for a PhD dissertation
on love

i am afraid I may never graduate
lost in my thesis stage
never finding enough evidence
for my oral defense

how could I
when my words have been
consumed by the breaths love has taken away
